Gorilla Trekking

Everyone wants to be part of the trek yes despite the pricey gorilla permits and demand. The demand for gorilla tourism is very high compared to other tourist attractions in Africa and still many look at the adventure as a life time dream to come true.

No matter how good or amazing other  attraction could be, they just come  add more value to every gorilla trekking safari tour especially to those visiting Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo the top three mountains gorilla countries in the world. In 2017 Uganda was revealed the most visited gorilla country due to discounts and low gorilla permit prices. Before Uganda and Rwanda where the top gorilla trekking destinations but today visitors consider tracking gorillas in Uganda after Rwanda increase of permits to a price of $1500 a cost of a private 3 Day Uganda gorilla safari.

Endangered mountain gorillas may look slightly same like other primate species but they are extra ordinary and outstanding when observed in their jungle home. As per the gorilla trekking rules, tourists have to be at least in 7meter distance to where the gorillas could be but sometimes gorillas themselves make their way close to tourists giving them a chance to have a clear observation and photography.

Gorillas live in small groups called families headed by the giant silverback male that has the role of a father. Even during the trek, it’s always the silverback gorillas to move ahead and others follow. The gorilla encounter is an experience for life that you will wish even your great grandchildren to experience. Tourists are allowed to spend a full hour with gorillas in photography a moment that clears off all the memories of trek and only leaves incredible moments and times with the beautiful primates of the Jungle.

You can never tell how amazing it is to ride a bicycle on the road until the day you give it a try. Same applies to the general gorilla safari experience, no one can tell the terrific great moment with gorillas in jungle until the day you visit Uganda, Rwanda or Congo and see them physically. However, if time and money permits, this is a wonderful experience everyone should enjoy on any safari tour in Africa. Gorilla safaris can be budget or luxury depending on the nature and interest of the traveler though the experience with gorillas is same for budget and luxury gorilla safari tourists.

Remember tracking gorillas is done in groups of eight per a gorilla family, so tourists are separated into groups at the briefing point a moment that make luxury and budget travelers meet for a particular cause. But if you want to track the entire gorilla family alone makes it a point to reserve all the eight gorilla permits for a particular habituated gorilla family alone. Gorilla permits cost $800 in Uganda, $400 in Democratic Republic of Congo and $1500 in Rwanda per a trek for foreign nationals.

However, foreigners with working Visa get a discount as well as the East Africa residents so carry along the necessary supportive documents that make you qualify for the gorilla trekking discounts in Uganda. In Congo, discounts are offered to all travelers and a gorilla permit costs only $200 for low season months. Therefore, those seeking for budget gorilla safaris, Congo and Uganda are the best places to go gorilla trekking in Africa.

To sum it up the nature of gorillas and character definitely makes the entire experience exceptional and awesome for whoever chooses to see them in Africa. I can’t forget to say it’s not activity for the unfit and the sick so just ensure your health is good and keep yourself in shape for challenging hikes and treks since the time for the trek can’t be estimated though it’s always between 2-6 hours. True primate lovers and adventurers can’t bear to miss gorilla trekking while in Africa. Usually many travelers gorilla trekking with other impressive tour activities especially wildlife viewing, mountain climbing, bird watching, biking, beach excursions, culture and tradition etc.